
Why you should invest in alternative markets in 2023

In the world of investing, alternative investments are often seen as a riskier and more exotic option for investors. However, they can also offer significant benefits for those who are willing to explore this avenue. Alternative investments refer to any investment that is not a traditional stock or bond, and examples include real estate, private equity, fine art, commodities, and even cryptocurrencies. Here are some of the key reasons why alternative investments can be beneficial to investors.



First, alternative investments can provide diversification to a portfolio. Traditional investments, such as stocks and bonds, are subject to market volatility and can be impacted by macroeconomic events. In contrast, alternative investments often have a low correlation to traditional investments, meaning that their value is not strongly linked to movements in the stock market or other traditional investments. This can provide a hedge against volatility in other parts of an investor’s portfolio, potentially reducing overall risk.


Greater returns

Another benefit of alternative investments is the potential for higher returns. Many alternative investments are illiquid, meaning that they cannot be bought and sold as easily as stocks or bonds. However, illiquidity can also provide an opportunity for investors to earn higher returns. For example, private equity investments often require a longer holding period but can provide significant returns if the company performs well. Real estate investments can also offer higher returns, particularly if the property appreciates in value or generates rental income.


New Opportunities

Alternative investments can also offer access to unique opportunities that are not available through traditional investments. For example, investing in a private company through private equity can provide access to new and emerging technologies or products. Investing in fine art can provide exposure to gallery events which can be a great opportunity for networking and increasing your existing knowledge of the market. Investing in art, wine, or other collectables can provide enjoyment and the opportunity for personal growth as well as potential financial rewards.


Inflation Hedge

Another benefit of alternative investments is that they can be used to hedge against inflation. Traditional investments, such as stocks and bonds, can be negatively impacted by inflation. In contrast, some alternative investments, such as commodities and art, have historically performed well during periods of inflation. Additionally, investments in real estate or infrastructure projects can provide a hedge against inflation, as rental income or toll revenue can increase with inflation.


Bespoke Portfolio

One final benefit of alternative investments is the potential for portfolio customization. Each investor has unique goals and risk tolerance, and alternative investments can offer a way to tailor a portfolio to those needs. For example, an investor who is looking for income may choose to invest in a real estate investment trust (REIT) that generates rental income. An investor who is looking for growth opportunities may choose to invest in a private equity fund that focuses on emerging markets.

In conclusion, alternative investments can offer a range of benefits for investors who are willing to explore this avenue. From providing diversification to a portfolio to offering higher returns and unique opportunities, alternative investments can be an effective way to achieve investment goals. While alternative investments may not be suitable for every investor, they can offer a way to customize a portfolio to an individual’s needs and provide a hedge against inflation and volatility in traditional investments. At De Pointe Opportunities, we work with our clients to identify investment opportunities that meet their unique goals and risk tolerance, and we believe that alternative investments can play an important role in achieving those objectives.

Trust De Pointe to guide you through the complexities of the alternative investment market. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your investment objectives.